Our friend Serkan Toto over at Asiajin just updated his list of Japanese equivalents to Western Web 2.0 services. See his overview below - we will also post the Korean & Chinese response to it shortly.
General Web Services
Leading Western Web Service |
Japanese Equivalent |
Tripadvisor | 4Travel |
Yahoo! Japan | |
Wikipedia | Wikipedia Japan |
Mixi | |
Flickr | Yahoo! Japan Photos |
Digg | Minna no Topics |
No equivalent | |
Twitter Japan | |
Youtube | Nico Nico Douga |
Amazon | Rakuten & Amazon Japan |
delici.us | Hatena Bookmark |
dooyoo | Kakaku.com |
Netfix | Posren |
Craigslist | No equivalent |
imdb | Nihon Eiga Database |
Wall Street Journal Online | Nikkei Online |
monster.com | Rikunawi |
Ebay | Yahoo! Japan Auctions |
Alexa | Pathtraq |
Hulu | acTVila |
4chan | Futaba |
last.fm | Mixi Music |
Technorati | Kizasi |
Yahoo! Answers | Oshiete!goo & Yahoo! Chiebukuro |
Zynga | Hangame Japan, GREE & Mobage-town |

Leading Western Web Service |
Japanese Equivalent |
Techcrunch | No equivalent |
Huffington Post | Agora |
tmz.com | Zakzak |
Boing Boing | Zaeega |
Gizmodo | Gizmodo Japan |
Engadget | Engadget Japanese |

Web Tools & Software
Leading Western Web Service |
Japanese Equivalent |
Gmail | Yahoo! Japan Mail |
Blogger | FC2 |
iTunes | iTunes Japan & Lismo (Mobile) |
BitTorrent | Share |
Opera | Sleipnir |

Web Companies
Leading Western Web Service |
Japanese Equivalent |
Federated Media | Agile Media Network |
Admob | Cirius |

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