Taobao Tmall Partner Services: For many brands or retailers tapping into the infrastructure of TMall, 360Buy, Amazon & QQ is the quickest and most efficient solution to start online sales in China. The shop front is almost fully customizable & backend features can be integrated with your preferred OMS. We can provide wireframes based on best-practices or design & develop the entire frontend for you. As for standalone China eShops, selecting the right solution can be more of a challenge, but we are experienced in consulting you on the best fit for your company and help implement it across a wide range of local and foreign shopping cart systems.

China Webshop/eShop Localization, Development & Design
- Consulting on best technology and system integration strategy for launching a stand-alone E-Commerce shop for China
- Localization of your international webshop based on your global eShop/CMS solution or re-development based on local Chinese eShop platforms. We are experienced working with: Magento, osCommerce, OXCommerce, IBM Websphere, Demandware, ShopEX, ECShop and several more local and international eShop platforms incl. custom developed Java-based solutions.
- Front-end shop design & China User Interface (UI)/User Experience (UX) optimization based on local best practices and validated benchmark data
- Integration of local functions: Chinese checkout & payment solutions (Alipay), online chat, China trust symbols, etc.
- Support in ICP licence registration, setup of China hosting & Content Distribution Network (CDN) solution
- System integration with Order Management System (OMS), CRM, Point-of-Sales system (POS), etc.
- China Web Analytics consulting, setup & configuration
Tmall Taobao Partner: Setup & Design of Taobao TMall Shop
- How to setup a TMall store: consulting & management of T-Mall setup process - multibrand retail store or TMall flagship store
- Front-end TMall design & shop decoration
- Integration with your China order management & backend system
- Taobao TMall merchandise management
- Ongoing store operation, order management & customer support
- Tmall marketing and Tmall advertising - online marketing services: TMall search result optimizaiton (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), display banner advertisement, email & SMS marketing, TMall specific promotions
- Multi-Language Client Servicing: Tmall Agentur, Agence Tmall
- Tmall store setup process click: Tmall & Tmall Global Store Setup Process
Setup & sales management on other China E-Commerce platforms: 360Buy, Amazon, shop.QQ, etc.
- Consulting on best multi-channel sales strategy for your brand in China across all misc. available platforms & online multi-brand retailers
- Support & consulting in setting up shop or selling on 360Buy, Amazon China, shop.QQ, etc.
- Merchandise management
- Ongoing order management & customer support