China E-Commerce
CONFIRMED: Google Shopping Search Engine For China Shuts Today
Google has just confirmed the closure of its Google Shopping China service. A Google representative tells us this morning: “We’ve decided to shut down our Google Shopping service in China. We remain committed to helping Chinese businesses export their goods around the world, and Chinese merchants will still be able to use Google Shopping to reach consumers in other markets…”
Source: Tech In Asia
China Digital
Jiepang and Starbucks Tie-Up For More Christmas Fun
Coffee chain Starbucks is keeping its relationship with Jiepang, China’s top Foursquare-esque check-in service, brewing for yet another year. This year’s Starbucks-Jiepang social marketing campaign for the holiday season is now good to go, offering four virtual Christmas badges for coffee drinkers who also make social check-ins within Jiepang’s cross-platform mobile apps.
Source: Tech In Asia
China Digital
Line App Challenges with WeChat In China
The smash-hit messaging app Line – which is especially huge in Asia – has just made a move into the biggest country in the region: China. Now sporting the name ‘Lianwo‘ in Chinese (“line me” or “link me” in English), the app’s makers, NHN Japan, have also set up a local homepage for the app at Although Line has its impressive over 70 million users around Asia, is it too late to compete with local web giant Tencent WeChat and its 200 million users?
Source: Tech In Asia
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