Similar to the The People's Voice Award (as part of the The Webby Award) China now has his own award honoring excellence on the Internet: The ChinaMode Awards. Initiated by Gang Lu and the OpenWeb.Asia Workgroup and supported by the 14 most influential Chinese tech bloggers, including: Appin, Williamlong, Web20share, Kenengba, Jandan, MobiNode, Webleon, Showeb20, Vista2.o, Yunkeji, Riku, Herock, China Web2.0 Review and MobiNode.TV the award aims to determine Chinas most important Internet companies in 8 categories such as most talked about website, best user experience & product design, most promising start-up, etc.
Starting today, you can now vote for your favorites in the Chinese internet space here: http://chinamode.org/ (Chinese only). The winners will be announced on January 25th 2010.
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